Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Policy Statement

The Independence party is not only looking to change New Zealand for the better but the world. There are important issues that are harming people. If you vote for the independence party we all can make a change.

Poverty is occurring all over the country. Children and adults are left to sleep in there car. Left without food and water. No human being should be placed in this dreadful position. The hiraki of needs state that we all require: physical needs, safety, love self-actualization. Voting for the Independence party means that all people in New Zealand will have a loving and comfortable and most importantly safe place to stay. By creating a facility that allows families to receive a home, food and water the population of people living without these needs will decrease. Also using the empty and wasted homes sitting in Auckland and putting them to use.

2017 the independence party robustly believes that not only New Zealand but other countries should discard nuclear bombs. Nuclear is a life threatening that can kill innocent humans. Nuclear bombs are destructive so why nuclear bombs be retained. Nuclear bombs is nuclear energy to cause an explosion. By sharing our voice all over the globe our voices will be heard. We can make a change in not only New Zealand but in the world.


  1. Hi Greanne,
    My name is Freeman and I'm from Panmure Bridge School. I find the Independence party helpful and caring. I am happy for the Independence party creating a facility that allow families to receive a home. I agree that nuclear bombs should be illegal because it does kill innocent people. Yours Sincerely, Freeman

    1. Kia Ora Freeman,
      Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I am glad you agree with our message that we are trying t share. What did your school do for the elections?
      Kind regards


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